Awe is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “A feeling
of reverential respect mixed with fear and wonder”. Synonyms include amazement, astonishment, admiration,
respect, dread, fear and terror. Our usages of awesome and awful, springing from the same root,
acknowledges that awe connotes both negative and positive responses, but also affirms
that it is an emotional response.
“Awe” is a good subject to examine because a fundamental role of texts is moving us in the depth of our being.
Texts can inspire us, expand our appreciation, and transport us. In one example
I have selected, even a “dry” science documentary is shown re-worked into a
song to inspire us to have a sense of purpose in the Cosmos.
Here are presented five texts from diverse genres and modes
which might move the respondent at an emotional level. Although it is
acknowledged that such selections are subjective, it is hoped that elements
common to moving texts can be identified and appreciated. Students will reflect
on factors contributing to the effect of the texts, such as the descriptiveness
of the language, the scope of the scene described, the appeal to fundamental
human hopes and fears, and the degree to which personal identification with the
text is possible.
In three cases, a source text is written, but will be considered
alongside a rendition in another medium (film or audio). In another, the text
is a “mashup”; an original work (a song and music video) drawing on other texts
(a science documentary series of the 1980s). In yet another, the selected text
is written, but is a fictional extension of characters and a story better known
in the medium of film (Star Wars) designed to explore a characters inner-life
and unspoken backstory in the form of a diary. Students would explore the
relationship of the primary texts, forward to their adaptations, or back to
their antecedents, contrasting their fidelity or subversion, or any change of
To assess students’ understanding, they would be asked to nominate
texts which have moved them, and to
justify their selection using the same methods employed to critique my five.
Optionally, they could compose a brief text which use the same (or similar)
tropes to elicit the same response.
1. A more glorious dawn, mashup of Carl Sagan's Cosmos TV series
2. The Bridge of Khazad Dûm, from The Fellowship of the Ring
3. Henry V's speech, "St Crispin's Day" at the eve of the Battle of Agincourt.
5. "And Death Shall Have No Dominion", by Dylan Thomas (1933).
There seemed to be no appropriate reading of this available on the Internet, so I found an old CD I had bought years ago of distinguished British actors reading war-poetry and which had a great rendition by Sir Derek Jacobi. I created a video with this reading and the text of the poem and uploaded it to my own YouTube channel. Here it is:
Further notes about these texts are included below:
Selection 1
“A More Glorious
Dawn”, YouTube mashup autotuned song of scientists Carl Sagan and Steven
Hawking, based on the 1980’s science documentary series Cosmos.
Medium: YouTube video (3m34s)
Genre: Music
video, created by user melodysheep as part of the “Symphony of Science” video
Source: Internet video, drawn from non
fiction TV from the 1980s
Syllabus area: Stage 6 English
(Standard) outcome 5 (p26):
student describes the ways different technologies and media of production
affect the language and structure of particular texts.”
its subsections)
text shows how source material can be repurposed to alter a message or reach a
different audience. Carl Sagan, a scientist and a populariser of science, made the 1980’s TV series Cosmos to inspire people as much as
educate them. His luminous prose and distinctive intonations have made him an
enduring figure in popular culture. This video, one of a series of mashups set
to Sagan’s voice, encourages us to believe we are a part of the universe and
that humanity has a destiny among the stars.
for students:
Is Sagan’s message changed from it’s original
intent, or merely repackaged for a different audience? Is it subverted or
What relevance would this message have in
today’s world (eg, in relation to the landing of a new rover on Mars?)
Is such a “mashup” on YouTube as authoritative
as another medium, such as a book or TV documentary?
Is it an example of democratised media (ie, the
author did not need a publisher to make this creative work seen by millions?
Selection 2
“The Bridge of Khazad-Dûm”, from The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien .
Medium: Written
(7 pages)
Genre: Fictional,
fantasy novel.
Source: Book, paired with video
segment of the movie
Fellowship of the Ring (2001) (7m40s) of the same events.
Example Syllabus area: Outcome 2 (p25)
2. A student identifies and
describes relationships among texts. Students learn to identify and describe
the relationships among texts by:
2.1 identifying similarities in and differences between texts
2.2 identifying and describing the connections between texts
2.3 identifying and describing the ways in which particular texts are
influenced by other texts and contexts.
This text describes a climactic moment from the Fellowship of the Ring, where
Gandalf confronts the Balrog in the mines of Moria.
Tolkien’s language is rich, evocative and descriptive.
Students will contrast the passage from the book describing the events with the
segment from the movie, satisfying the syllabus requirement for students to
contrast texts
Questions for students:
What emotions are evoked by the piece?
What changes are there between the book and the
movie, and why might such changes have
been made (sequence, pacing, omission, addition, emphasis)?
Does being presented with a movie version “ruin”a
book for a reader by leaving less for the imagination?
This text is more fanciful than the others, set
in a fantasy world. Does this make it less relevant to us? Differently
Selection 3
And Death Shall Have
no Dominion, poem by Dylan Thomas (1933)
Medium: Written (1 page), plus audio
recording/ animation of poem
Genre: Poem
Source: The works of Dylan Thomas.
Example syllabus areas
3.1 (Cultural
6 (identifying
language patterns, structural features, identifying key words and phrases)
This text was written by Dylan Thomas when tasked to write
on the subject of “immortality”. Commonly evoked as a “war poem”, it was
written in peacetime and Thomas was 19 when it was written, and went to lengths
to avoid service in WW2.
The poem should be presented along with a dramatic reading,
here by British actor Sir Derek Jacobi), and significantly, from a CD of “War
Poetry” alongside Slessor and Owen.
Questions for Students:
What does this poem evoke?
Was there any intent for the poem to be
understood a certain way by its author?
Is it a hopeful poem? Why does death “have no
dominion”? Is death’s defeat literal or metaphorical?
What word
choices stand out to create a memorable effect? What repetition is made to
underline the theme of the poem?
Would someone recently bereaved gain comfort
from a poem like this?
Selection 4
Speech by Henry V in Shakespeare’s play of the same name,
before the battle of Agincourt (Act IV, scene iii)
Medium: Written (1 page), plus video
of the 1989 movie with
Branagh of the same speech (5m30s)
Genre: Shakespearean
Source: William Shakespeare.
Example Syllabus areas:
2. Connections between
4.3 (historical
context of language and conventions)
6 (identifying
language patterns, structural features, identifying key words and phrases)
9 (developing a
considered and informed personal response)
This famous scene from Henry V is regarded as inspiring and
emotive. It’s inclusion is justified as
Henry V does not appear on the list of texts in “English Stage 6, Prescriptions
Area of Study Electives and Texts” (p41), although other Shakespeare plays do.
Questions for students:
Does this speech evoke an emotional response?
What language techniques does Shakespeare use?
What about the situation acts as an archetype? (imminent
battle, overwhelming odds)
What other examples of dramatic battle-eve speeches
can you suggest? Do they owe something to Shakespeare or do they stand apart?
You might cite:
Independence Day
Queen Elizabeth’s speech to her troops (I have
the body of a weak and feeble woman…)
Selection 5
The final chapter from The
Darth Side: Memoirs of a Monster
Medium: Written (6 pages),
Genre: Fan
Source: Serialised fiction
appearing on author
Cheeseburger Jones’ blog, “The
Darth Side”, and subsequently published commercially
(, but
drawing from characters and events in the Star
Wars movies.
Example syllabus area: 11.8.3 (p59):
A student demonstrates
understanding of cultural reference in texts. Students learn to understand
cultural reference in texts by:
3.1 identifying and
explaining cultural differences relating to communication
3.2 identifying direct
cultural references
3.3 identifying a
range of culturally based values and perspectives in texts
3.4 showing
understanding of some key cultural attitudes, beliefs and values underlying
issues and language in texts.
This excellent, alternative fiction work purports to be the
personal diary of Darth Vader from Star
Wars, interweaving and referencing the events from episodes IV, V and VI
(the “original trilogy”) and alluding to events occurring in episodes I, II and
III. It challenges our conception of “serious” literature by being an
exceptionally well written example of a genre usually disparaged, “fan
fiction”. We obtain an entirely different view of Darth Vader’s internal
thought processes and motivations, and feel empathy for his plight when the
story is told from “the Darth side”.
Questions for students:
Does this text subvert a “traditional”
understanding of the character?
Is this subverted meaning as valid as the
traditional one?
Is the intention of the original author
Is this alternative meaning more valid if the
original text (the Star Wars movies). is silent on the same questions? What if
it disagreed with it?
How crucial are these cultural references (or
our “traditional” understanding of Darth Vader) to our appreciation of this
Would this text have any meaning for someone who
had no knowledge of Star Wars?
Should this be regarded as a legitimate form of
literature given the mode of its appearance? (a serialised fictional blog based
on a science fiction movie series?)
What other examples can you cite of an original
fictional work subverting a previous one?
Note: You could cite:
The musical “Wicked” as a subversion of Frank
Baum’s ‘The Wizard of Oz’ character, the Wicked Witch of the West.
Reboots of various superhero movies where a
character or their story are reinterpreted.
Novels written by authors who (authorised or
not), create stories in the same “universe” as a previous work (eg sequels to
Frank Herbert’s Dune, Asimov’s Foundation, H.G Well’s The Time Machine)
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